Our Mission
To assist persons with developmental disabilities achieve their God-given potential through an array of individualized services that promote growth, choice, and independence with kindness, love, dignity, and respect.
Our Vision
All people with developmental disabilities should be afforded all human rights and enjoy legitimate opportunities to share equally in every aspect of community life and citizenship without discrimination.
Our Beliefs
People with developmental disabilities struggle with life according to their skills and limitations. Through their innocent and vulnerable nature, they teach us how life should be.
When we accept and love persons with developmental disabilities for who they are, we discover they are more like us than we ever knew.
People with developmental disabilities respond wonderfully when treated as a friend, brother or sister; but not so when treated as simply the object of our benevolence.
In our common humanity, when even one developmentally disabled person is not given the same opportunity to fully develop as a human being we diminish as a people and as a society. But when life becomes better for the most fragile and vulnerable among us we all benefit.

Our Values
People with developmental disabilities benefit from a balanced blend of appropriate training, productive experiences and legitimate opportunities to succeed.
"Choice" regarding life options is a basic human right for people with developmental disabilities.
The dignity and self-worth of people with developmental disabilities is a fundamental guiding principle for all Key Center programs and services.
People with developmental disabilities possess unique self-expression and creative abilities.
People with developmental disabilities are full-citizen partners and are entitled to all associated rights and benefits.

Melissa Walker
Executive Director

Theresa Flick
Director of Program Operations

Barbara Branch
Director of Day Services

Bryan Kantorczyk
Director of Residential Services

Stephen Arena
Director of Human Resources

Chris Linhart
Director of Fleet and Facilities Maintenance

Leo Doucette
Director of Fiscal Operations

Tinker Bowen
Foundation Director
Our People Are The Key To Our Success

Carolyn Zemanik

Jim Morton
Corresponding Secretary

Katie Myers

Terry Jolly

Christopher Moling
Vice President

Ruth Levins
Recording Secretary

Dale Coburn

Roscoe Watts

Dennis Vick

Samuel Joyner
Emeritus Status

Lynne Kirby

Cregg Dalton

With great heartache, the Key Training Center’s visionary leader since 1971, Chet Cole, passed away on April 23, 2017 at the age of 72. The Key Training Center and our community has lost a great man that forever changed Citrus County through his unending passion, advocacy, dedication, and more importantly his pure love for the wellbeing of persons with Developmental Disabilities. Mr. Cole touched the staff, clients, parents, and this community at large with his never-ending passion, love and great vision for the Key Training Center. Mr. Cole will live on through each of us that he mentored and made such a great and lasting impression on. He will continue to be the Key Training Center’s guiding force in the valuable services we do now and into the future for persons with developmental disabilities. He was loved and will dearly be missed.